Terrazzo is one of the most sustainable flooring materials in the market today. Aside from its durability, some of the materials used to come up with terrazzo floorings are recycled. One of these recycled materials is glass. You don’t have to look far where these glass come from, you have your mirrors, jars, wine bottles, and many more. Using them for your terrazzo flooring will be beneficial to the environment, plus you’ll have a great design ready.
Terrazzo is now being preferred by architects and contractors for their projects because of the sustainable benefits that come with it. The recycled glass chips that you will be using for your mixture can now be used as a flooring, tabletops, countertops, walls, and other custom surfaces that you want.
In this article, we’ll be sharing with you how these glass chips are acquired and used for the terrazzo mixture.
- You need a great amount of glass for your project so having your own supply might not be enough. So terrazzo companies either have their own supplies or they import from manufacturing plants and quarries. This will allow them to gather similar large glass chips which need to be crushed.
- After acquiring the large glass chips, these need to be crushed into smaller pieces. These pieces would normally be crushed between the regular aggregate size #0-2. Although, if you have customization requests, we can still have bigger pieces.
- Once the glass aggregates have been crushed, they need to be cleaned and processed based on your desired chip size. This is important as it ensures that all of your aggregates are appropriately sized.
- When your glass aggregates are ready, they can already be added to your terrazzo mixture. When doing so, you don’t have to restrict yourself just by using glass aggregates. Feel free to use other aggregates like plastic or shells to give a more distinct look on your terrazzo tiles.
If glass aggregates don’t appeal to you, there are plenty of other aggregates out there that you can use to achieve the design and feel that you want for your project. If you want to know more about glass aggregates and terrazzo, you may contact Terrazzo Australian Marble. Reach us by calling 1300 903 082 or visit https://terrazzo.net.au/contact/.