It’s already known that terrazzo is one of the most durable flooring materials in the market now. On top of that, it’s a low maintenance material. One type of terrazzo is called epoxy terrazzo, which is the more flexible type in terms of design. But did you know, aside from being design flexible, it is also antimicrobial? This makes it a sanitary flooring choice for indoor spaces, especially for healthcare facilities.
When you design any healthcare space, cleanliness and safety should be your top priority. It is essential for your environment to be bacteria free and having an antibacterial surface like terrazzo prevents visitors and hospital staff from getting sick.
Understanding Bacteria
It is important to know that bacteria is the most abundant microorganism on Earth. Some bacteria are good for humans while some can lead to infectious diseases. Until now, scientists continue to examine how bacteria coexist in different settings, that’s why it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
So how can we prevent bacteria from spreading in our built environments? To reduce the risks of infections, specifying surfaces that are antibacterial is a start.
Nonporous Surfaces
Washing our hands and disinfecting surfaces can reduce the spread of bacteria, but selecting building materials that are nonporous will enhance the health and hygiene of indoor environments. This simply means having a surface where air or liquids won’t be able to penetrate the surface. Hence these are widely used in locations such as hospital rooms, cafeterias, and restrooms – basically areas where sanitation should be a top priority.
Terrazzo for Healthcare Facilities
Most porous materials have grout joints where bacteria is commonly found. Terrazzo is a nonporous surface because of how it’s installed and the absence of grout joints. In fact, epoxy terrazzo contains zero VOCs that can improve the overall indoor air quality of any healthcare space. On top of this, terrazzo floor also prevents water and chemicals from sinking into the floor and staining it.
There’s no need for you to worry about bacteria when you have a nonporous surface like terrazzo. It’s easily cleaned, you just have to use clean water or neutral cleaners on a daily basis.

Aside from safety and cleanliness, one of the advantages of having terrazzo as your flooring in a healthcare facility is for aesthetics. As mentioned earlier, epoxy terrazzo is very design flexible with a wide range of colors and aggregates to choose from. If you want a floor that will last, impress, and improve the environment of a health facility, then you may contact Terrazzo Australian Marble to know more.