Terrazzo at Home – Shake Things Up

In households where design and interior layout falls in the hands of the homeowners instead of a typical interior designer, deciding how to shake things up can either go beautifully surprising or oddly confusing. So how can simple homes be turned into a space that has personality and style, without confusing the eyes and any person’s sense of design? Integrating terrazzo in parts of the house can indeed shake things up and introduce a different tone to any household.

1. Use terrazzo countertops to glam up the bathroom sink.

In small homes, bathroom sinks would normally be hanging against a wall with exposed pipes. This is a lowcost build that mainly comes as the standard for many households. One easy way to shake things up is to have the sink sit on top of a terrazzo countertop. It adds personality to the bathroom — make sure to select a terrazzo color combination that matched the existing wall paint in case you do not plan to repaint the walls of the bathroom.

2. Create walls in the living room that mimic texture with terrazzo.

terrazzo flooring

The terrazzo finish mimics texture and adds depth to a space. Panels or walls in the living room may introduce some texture instead of painting them plainly by having terrazzo marble tiles as the wall design. This does not need to be the whole panel of the wall. In fact, it could be sections like the back panel of your entertainment system or the wall against the mini bar just near the kitchen where your wines and glasses sit. The idea is to find distince elements that make your space a “living” space and add texture to a wall section to define it.

3. Extending the indoors outside.

terrazzo australian marble

The fascinating thing about interior design these days is it aims to extend the interiors to the exterior areas of a home for continuity and flow. A trick to do this is to extend your terrazzo flooring to meet your cement pavement coming into the house. Be playful by carving up shapes such as curves and lines to show the divide between the cement and the terrazzo but do not make it abrupt and predictable like cutting the division through a solid horizontal divide from the outside to the first step into your house. Create a flow and let terrazzo fill the idea for you.

There are so many other ways to shake things up at home with terrazzo. Talk to Terrazzo Australian Marble today to more about this material and how it could match your design visions and bring it to life

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